IT & Sourcing

Insuring the unpredictable: The challenges of AI risk insurability

By Giacomo Lusardi, Karin Tayel and Andrea Olivieri AI is all around us and it’s here to stay AI is rapidly permeating various economic sectors. From financial services and insurance to life sciences and encompassing industries as diverse as retail, industrials, real estate, media and sports. AI is reshaping traditional paradigms and marking a shift […]

Insuring the unpredictable: The challenges of AI risk insurability Read More »

Navigating the Open Insurance landscape: A legal perspective for 2023

OPEN INSURANCE: A DEFINITION Open Insurance is a way for insurance companies and other players in the insurance sector to share personal and non-personal data, usually via standardized and interoperable APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) (EIOPA, 2021). They can then use that data to create new products and services and improve existing ones. Open Insurance data

Navigating the Open Insurance landscape: A legal perspective for 2023 Read More »

Italy adopts new rules on digital platforms and abuse of economic dependence

The recent annual Italian law for the market and competition 2021 (Law No. 118/2022 – “2021 annual competition law”) has – among other things – supplemented Article 9 of Law 192/1998 with new provisions concerning the abuse of economic dependence by digital platforms. Among the novelties are a rebuttable presumption of economic dependence for digital

Italy adopts new rules on digital platforms and abuse of economic dependence Read More »

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends: Fashion in the Metaverse – a New Era for Brands

From updating retail experiences, to wearable technology, innovation is continuously inspiring and influencing trends and fashions. Also, following Facebook rebranding into “Meta” in late 2021, the term “Metaverse” definitely entered the common vocabulary and fashion brands are continuously seeking to conquer this new innovative world.

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The logistics services contract is now expressly regulated in the Italian Civil Code: the new Section 1677-bis

by Giacomo Lusardi and Nicoletta Iurilli The Italian rules on service contracts (appalto) have recently been supplemented with Section 1677-bis of the Italian Civil Code, introduced by Section 1, paragraph 819, Law No. 234 of December 30, 2021, and then replaced by Section 37-bis, Decree Law No. 36 of April 30, 2022, converted with amendments

The logistics services contract is now expressly regulated in the Italian Civil Code: the new Section 1677-bis Read More »

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends: Textile Waste and Circular Fashion

By Arianna Angilletta and Chiara D’Onofrio Nowadays, the textile sector represents the second most polluting industry in the world after the oil industry and is responsible for 20% of global water waste – due to the various processes the products undergo such as dyeing and finishing – and 10% of carbon dioxide emissions (more than

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Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends: E-textile and Smart Clothing – How Your Clothes Can Improve Your Life

As we already discovered during pandemic, technology has been an effective way out for fashion brands to advertise and sell products in a historical period that has limited the shopping physical experience. In fact, innovative technology within the fashion industry is more apparent than ever. From updating retail experiences, to wearable technology like smartwatches and

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends: E-textile and Smart Clothing – How Your Clothes Can Improve Your Life Read More »

Agriculture 4.0 and data sharing: what’s up?

As technology and innovation are nowadays central to all economic activities, also the most ancient one, agriculture, is opening its doors to let the digital transformation come through. Some refer to this phenomenon as to Agriculture 4.0, while others prefer the definitions of Ag-tech or Digital Agriculture. What is sure, is that the big revolution

Agriculture 4.0 and data sharing: what’s up? Read More »

Cheating in Esports tournaments – legal arguments for discouraging bad players

by Giulio Coraggio, Vincenzo Giuffrè and Micaela Jerusalmi The Esports market has been booming over the last years and the recent Covid-19 strict regulations impacting the sports sector and imposing social distancing have greatly increased the focus on Esports competitions so far. Even with this scenario, the legal challenges for global Esports online platforms and

Cheating in Esports tournaments – legal arguments for discouraging bad players Read More »

Il TAR Lombardia non ha sospeso l’E-commerce

by Giacomo Lusardi and Alessandro Ferrari In queste ore si legge su varie testate online, più o meno autorevoli, che il TAR della Lombardia avrebbe “bocciato” l’ordinanza della medesima regione dello scorso 11 aprile 2020, per aver esteso l’e-commerce anche ai beni che non rientrano tra quelli essenziali o strategici di cui all’Allegato 1 del

Il TAR Lombardia non ha sospeso l’E-commerce Read More »

Top 3 Legal Predictions on Electronic Cigarettes and Novel Tobacco Products for 2020

By Francesca Romana Ferrucci and Alessandro Ferrari 2019 was a very interesting year for tobacco, electronic cigarettes (“e-cigs”) and novel tobacco products (“NTPs”) all around the world. Going from new products in the process of accessing new markets, moving on with the mayhem concerning severe health issues allegedly connected to the use of e-cigs. The

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Top 3 Legal Predictions on Privacy and Data Protection for 2020

by Giulia Zappaterra & Deborah Paracchini  2019 brought considerable changes in the data protection world. Some EU Member States finally integrated the rules of the EU General Data Protection Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR) with their national laws. At the same time, local data protection authorities started to fully apply – also issuing severe sanctions –

Top 3 Legal Predictions on Privacy and Data Protection for 2020 Read More »

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends – Wearable and Smart Clothing: The Next Frontier of Fashion

As we already discovered in some of our previous articles on tech & fashion, innovative technology within the fashion industry is more apparent than ever. From updating retail experiences, to wearable technology like smartwatches, technology and innovation are continuously inspiring and influencing trends and fashions. In fact, as Marty McFly introduced smart clothing that could

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New regulatory requirements: impact on outsourcing / IT contracts

The so called Tax Decree (Law no. 157/2019 of 19 December 2019 implementing Law Decree no. 124/2019) introduced new regulatory requirements for services agreements that will have an impact on outsourcing and IT contracts as well as on those contracts where a considerable amount of manpower is utilized (e.g. logistics, maintenance services, etc.). The new

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