Alessandro Ferrari

Top 3 Legal Predictions on Electronic Cigarettes and Novel Tobacco Products for 2020

By Francesca Romana Ferrucci and Alessandro Ferrari 2019 was a very interesting year for tobacco, electronic cigarettes (“e-cigs”) and novel tobacco products (“NTPs”) all around the world. Going from new products in the process of accessing new markets, moving on with the mayhem concerning severe health issues allegedly connected to the use of e-cigs. The […]

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New regulatory requirements: impact on outsourcing / IT contracts

The so called Tax Decree (Law no. 157/2019 of 19 December 2019 implementing Law Decree no. 124/2019) introduced new regulatory requirements for services agreements that will have an impact on outsourcing and IT contracts as well as on those contracts where a considerable amount of manpower is utilized (e.g. logistics, maintenance services, etc.). The new

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Nuovi obblighi in tema di appalti

Il c.d. Decreto Fiscale (Decreto Legge. n. 241/1997 convertito con Legge n. 157/2019) ha introdotto sostanziali novità in tema di appalti. Si tratta di una riforma che richiede immediata attenzione per le conseguenze sanzionatorie in capo a committente e appaltatore nonché modifiche ai contratti in essere e da stipulare e l’adozione di nuove procedure interne.

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