Tommaso Ricci

TOP 3 Legal Predictions on Blockchain for 2020

By Tommaso Ricci and Giordana Babini 2019 was a thriving year for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT) more in general. Mainstream companies have demonstrated growing interest in both blockchain and DLT. Blockchain seems to have reached its turning point. What was only theoretical up to last year, is now finally becoming operational and integrated

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Video: Blockchain legal predictions for 2019

In this video Elisa Rosati and Tommaso Ricci analyze the Blockchain legal and business challenges for 2019. This year will be crucial for the blockchain since the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is ready to overcome the risks linked to the fluctuation of the cryptocurrencies and to prove its compatibility with the new standards of  Data Protection introduced by GDPR finding the right balance between scalability and security.

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Blockchain: the real fuel for eSports

The eSports industry has undergone a massive growth in the recent years hitting a record market revenue of almost $1 billion. Blockchain technology could foster even more the huge market growth building trust, adding transparency and introducing new business models. Here is a brief overview of its applications and legal challenges.

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Legislative Decree no. 63 of 11 May 2018

Legislative Decree no. 63 of 11 May 2018 implementing the EU Directive no. 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure. Art. 1 Amendment to article 1 of the Legislative Decree no.

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Top 4 blockchain predictions for 2018

The buzzing explosion of new technologies lately is coated with fear because of the growing number of cybersecurity meltdowns spreading all over and paralyzing users and markets. The lifeline has been identified in what seems to be the culmination of decades of research and breakthroughs in cryptography and security: blockchain. Here are our top predictions for 2018.

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