
Il TAR Lombardia non ha sospeso l’E-commerce

by Giacomo Lusardi and Alessandro Ferrari In queste ore si legge su varie testate online, più o meno autorevoli, che il TAR della Lombardia avrebbe “bocciato” l’ordinanza della medesima regione dello scorso 11 aprile 2020, per aver esteso l’e-commerce anche ai beni che non rientrano tra quelli essenziali o strategici di cui all’Allegato 1 del

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Top 3 legal predictions on Trade Secrets for 2020

by Laura Gastaldi and Micaela Jerusalmi One year and a half after the implementation of EU Directive No. 934/2016 (the “Trade Secrets Directive”) in Italy, trade secrets are increasingly becoming one of the most valuable assets of companies’ businesses, and this trend is likely to increase. Let’s see what to expect from the upcoming year

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Top 3 Legal Predictions on Media for 2020

By Alessandro Ferrari and Laura Borelli As we approach 2020, changes in the media landscape are accelerating at an unrelenting pace. The way consumers access their entertainment has come a long way from the traditional linear television and evolution is not taking any break. Factors such as AI and new technologies, as well as the

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Top 3 Legal Predictions on Artificial Intelligence

By Giulio Coraggio, Giacomo Lusardi and Cristina Criscuoli AI systems grew quickly in 2019 and we expect to witness additional developments of these technologies in 2020. AI is increasingly embedded in our everyday lives: companies are developing a number of AI systems, such as voice commands driven platforms, facial recognition tools and AI-based customer care

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Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends – Legal Fakes: the Fabulous Destiny of Copycats?

By Elena Varese and Lara Mastrangelo The Milan Fashion Week has just started and from today we are glad to host some highlights on the major fashion law trends of this season. Today we start with the analysis of the legal fake phenomenon.

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New regulatory requirements: impact on outsourcing / IT contracts

The so called Tax Decree (Law no. 157/2019 of 19 December 2019 implementing Law Decree no. 124/2019) introduced new regulatory requirements for services agreements that will have an impact on outsourcing and IT contracts as well as on those contracts where a considerable amount of manpower is utilized (e.g. logistics, maintenance services, etc.). The new

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Nuovi obblighi in tema di appalti

Il c.d. Decreto Fiscale (Decreto Legge. n. 241/1997 convertito con Legge n. 157/2019) ha introdotto sostanziali novità in tema di appalti. Si tratta di una riforma che richiede immediata attenzione per le conseguenze sanzionatorie in capo a committente e appaltatore nonché modifiche ai contratti in essere e da stipulare e l’adozione di nuove procedure interne.

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