DLA Piper esports Laws of the World is now live!

DLA Piper esports Laws of the World is meant to be a review of the main legal issues affecting eSports in the main jurisdictions worldwide.

After months of hard work with our colleagues all around the world, we are ready for the launch of DLA Piper eSports Laws of the World. It was the result of fantastic teamwork, which shows the commitment of our firm to provide our clients with innovative tools to support their business.

The esport market has been booming over the last years, but unfortunately, or fortunately, in some cases, regulations have not been able to catch up. Gambling, sports, and prize promotion/advertising rules might apply to esports events, impose restrictions or grant exemptions, depending on how and where they are organized. The possible variants include the following: is the esports tournament online or landbased? Is a country recognizing esports as an official sport? Can any type of prize be awarded to participants? What are the technical requirements to be complied with? And what is the actual risk of penalties?

DLA Piper esports Laws of the World is now live! Read More »

Evento: Come preparare la propria azienda alla Digital Revolution

Le imprese sono pronte alla Digital Revolution e all’AI? Ne parliamo con capi degli uffici legali di primarie aziende e top manager il 4 dicembre 2019 da DLA Piper nel corso della presentazione del libro scritto dallo studio sull’argomento.

Il rapido processo di trasformazione digitale che sta investendo a vario titolo le aziende comporta, accanto a criticità di ordine organizzativo – strutturale, anche nuove e importante problematiche legali. Come prepararsi a questa incalzante Digital Revolution? Perché l’intelligenza artificiale è già e sarà sempre più una componente essenziale del business delle aziende operanti in qualsiasi settore? Quali misure occorre adottare per non farsi trovare impreparati?

Evento: Come preparare la propria azienda alla Digital Revolution Read More »

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends – Is the retail and fashion sectors ready for the IoT revolution?

The retail and fashion sectors need to deal with new legal issues due to the adoption of IoT technologies as a consequence of the rapid digital revolution of the industry.

The “wave” of the Internet of Things is heavily impacting the retail sector leading to new legal issues that have never been experienced by most fashion brands, and in general retail companies.

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends – Is the retail and fashion sectors ready for the IoT revolution? Read More »

The legal issues of the blockchain and how to deal with them

The revolution of the blockchain might unveil some legal implications deriving from the usage of a technology that can get out of control.

As part of the working group named “Legal Evolution 4.0” that I run for the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce, I gave a presentation on the legal implications of the blockchain. And, I thought it would be interesting to share my findings with you.

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Top 5 takeaways from the Games Industry Law Summit

Significant insights came out from the discussions on the present and future of video gaming law at the Games Law Industry Summit in Vilnius. My colleague Vincenzo Giuffré and I attended the event and tried to summarize our top 5 takeaways from the summit below: 1. Transparency and players’ protection are a priority in all the major jurisdictions Transparency

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Innovation meet-up – Blockchain e smart-contract oltre gli slogan: una success story nel trade finance

I recenti sviluppi normativi sulla blockchain creano opportunità che discuteremo nell’ambito dell’Innovation meet-up organizzato da DLA Piper con AlixPartners e we.trade il 12 aprile 2019.

Con la recente approvazione del Decreto Semplificazioni 2019, i concetti di “Tecnologie basate su registri distribuiti” (DLT) e “smart-contract” entrano a pieno titolo nel sistema giuridico italiano.

Un crescente numero di market players – complice l’immancabile “ciclo di hype” – vede in queste tecnologie un significativo passo verso la disintermediazione, l’abolizione di molte procedure ancora cartacee e la velocizzazione di quelle digitali. Il settore del trade finance è tra i primi a cogliere questa opportunità.

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Top 5 takeaways from DLA Piper event on Italian privacy dawn raids

Italian privacy dawn raids are a hot topic and being prepared to them is crucial, especially given the potential fines provided by the GDPR. Here are the main takeaways from our event on the matter.

On the 1st of March 2019, DLA Piper had the pleasure to host – together with AIGI – an event on Italian privacy dawn raids that had as main speaker, Mr. Marco Menegazzo, the head of the department of the tax police in charge of privacy dawn raids, supporting the Italian data protection authority (the Garante) on their performance.

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eSports between Italian prize promotion and gambling rules

eSports tournaments can be subject to stringent restrictions under Italian prize promotion and gambling rules if adequate solutions are not adopted.

The eSports market is rapidly growing and the data below show a massive boost from 2012 up to now in 2019 $ 130 million to $ 1,187 million, with a further fast increase in the coming years.

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