
New programming and investment obligations for VOD and linear audio-visual media service providers!

On 25 January 2019, the Italian Communications Authority (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, hereinafter “AGCOM“) published the Resolution 595/18/CONS setting out the new Regulation on programming and investment obligations in favour of European works and works by independent producers (as amended by AGCOM Resolution 24/19/CONS) (hereinafter, “New Regulation“).

The New Regulation – which replaces the previous resolutions concerning the programming and investment quotas, including Resolution 66/09/CONS – was adopted on the basis of the Legislative Decree no. 204/2017, which amended the Consolidated Act on audio-visual media services and empowered AGCOM to set detailed rules applicable to linear and non-linear audio-visual media services providers, as well as to pay-per-view media services providers.

New programming and investment obligations for VOD and linear audio-visual media service providers! Read More »

New guidelines for EU Financial Institutions moving to Cloud Computing

Prompted by the increasing interest for the use of cloud outsourcing solutions within the banking industry, the European Banking Authority (“EBA“) has recently issued the final recommendations on the use of cloud service providers by financial institutions (“Recommendations“), which will be applicable as of 1 July 2018.

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Cinema and audiovisual media services: a wider protection for EU works

On 2 October 2017, the Italian Council of Ministers approved a new Legislative Decree (“Decree“), aimed at ensuring a wider protection to EU (and Italian) works in the audiovisual media services (“AVMS“) sector. A brief outline of the new provisions is set out below.

Cinema and audiovisual media services: a wider protection for EU works Read More »