Artificial Intelligence

Top 3 legal predictions on Copyright for 2020

By Roberto Valenti, Alessandra Tozzi and Lara Mastrangelo Copyright plays a paramount role in enhancing and protecting human creations, but, at the same time, it may clash with other fundamental rights and therefore needs to be balanced. During 2019 many events occurred in the copyright field. What will happen in the course of 2020? Art …

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Evento: Come preparare la propria azienda alla Digital Revolution

Le imprese sono pronte alla Digital Revolution e all’AI? Ne parliamo con capi degli uffici legali di primarie aziende e top manager il 4 dicembre 2019 da DLA Piper nel corso della presentazione del libro scritto dallo studio sull’argomento.

Il rapido processo di trasformazione digitale che sta investendo a vario titolo le aziende comporta, accanto a criticità di ordine organizzativo – strutturale, anche nuove e importante problematiche legali. Come prepararsi a questa incalzante Digital Revolution? Perché l’intelligenza artificiale è già e sarà sempre più una componente essenziale del business delle aziende operanti in qualsiasi settore? Quali misure occorre adottare per non farsi trovare impreparati?

Milan Fashion Week and Fashion Law Trends – Is the retail and fashion sectors ready for the IoT revolution?

The retail and fashion sectors need to deal with new legal issues due to the adoption of IoT technologies as a consequence of the rapid digital revolution of the industry.

The “wave” of the Internet of Things is heavily impacting the retail sector leading to new legal issues that have never been experienced by most fashion brands, and in general retail companies.

Top 3 predictions on AI and IoT for 2019

There was massive growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2018, which followed the hype of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies during the previous years. But what is going to happen in 2019?

Here are our top 3 predictions for the year.