ethnicity pay reporting

King’s Speech confirms major employment law reforms  

The King’s Speech has today been given to both houses of Parliament.  In line with the Labour party’s pre-election plan to make work pay and deliver a new deal for working people, the speech, along with accompanying background briefing notes, has confirmed a significant number of major employment law reforms. The most impactful include Labour’s […]

King’s Speech confirms major employment law reforms   Read More »

Government publishes guidance on voluntary ethnicity pay reporting

UPDATE: On 13 July 2023, the government also published its response to consultation on ethnicity pay reporting, again confirming that the government will not be legislating to make ethnicity pay reporting mandatory at this stage. Just over a year after the government confirmed that it would not introduce a legal requirement for employers to publish

Government publishes guidance on voluntary ethnicity pay reporting Read More »

Government to publish guidance on voluntary ethnicity pay gap reporting but will not make reporting mandatory

On 17 March the Government published a policy paper “Inclusive Britain: government response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities”  in response to the Commission’s 2021 report. Inclusive Britain sets out a wide-ranging Action Plan of measures on race equality across Government as part of a three-part strategy: to ensure that prejudice and discrimination have

Government to publish guidance on voluntary ethnicity pay gap reporting but will not make reporting mandatory Read More »

Update on legislative reforms impacting employers

Employers may remember that back in the pre-COVID world of July 2019, a series of consultation papers was published in quick succession in the final days of Theresa May’s office as Prime Minister. These consultation papers sought views on a wide and varied range of proposals with a potentially significant impact on employers: Extended protection

Update on legislative reforms impacting employers Read More »

Government consultation on mandatory ethnicity pay reporting

A consultation has been launched asking employers to contribute their views on  implementing mandatory ethnicity pay reporting. It sets out options and asks questions on what ethnicity pay information should be reported by employers to allow for meaningful action,  who should be expected to report, and the next steps to be taken. In previous discussions,

Government consultation on mandatory ethnicity pay reporting Read More »