
What we can learn from the case resulting in a record GDPR fine by the Hungarian Data Protection Authority for the unlawful use of artificial intelligence


The Hungarian Data Protection Authority (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság, NAIH) has recently published its full decision on the case in which the Authority imposed a fine ca. EUR 665,000 (HUF 250 million), the highest data protection fine to date in Hungary.

What we can learn from the case resulting in a record GDPR fine by the Hungarian Data Protection Authority for the unlawful use of artificial intelligence Read More »

Record GDPR fine by the Hungarian Data Protection Authority for the unlawful use of artificial intelligence


The Hungarian Data Protection Authority (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság, NAIH) has recently published its annual report in which it presented a case where the Authority imposed the highest fine to date of ca. EUR 670,000 (HUF 250 million).

Record GDPR fine by the Hungarian Data Protection Authority for the unlawful use of artificial intelligence Read More »

Gambling law’s repeated contribution to the justification framework: An even higher bar set for restrictive national measures?

Gambling is a regulatory area where Member States, due to their moral and cultural differences, enjoy a wide margin of discretion when choosing their objectives and thus market structure, however such freedom is not without boundaries: restrictive measures, such as state monopolies, must nevertheless satisfy the requirements best summarised by the landmark decision of Gebhard.

Gambling law’s repeated contribution to the justification framework: An even higher bar set for restrictive national measures? Read More »