
Legality Rating: New Webrating Platform online!

On October 21, 2019 the Italian Antitrust Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, hereinafter “AGCM“) has announced the launch of the WebRating platform, a new tool dedicated to companies for the compilation and the delivery of applications and communications relating to the legality rating system.

The legality rating is a summary indicator of the level of compliance of a company with high standards of legality, which is able to reveal the level of attention paid by the company to the proper management of its business.

Influencers: from the spotlight to the eye of the storm!

Influencers and brands have no way out: advertising shall be clearly recognizable as such and this true also with regard to any communication addressed to the netizens. Following FTC and ASA’s guidelines, this topic has been also into the Italian Authorities’ sights lately and several actions have been taken to regulate the phenomenon of influencer …

Influencers: from the spotlight to the eye of the storm! Read More »