
Delay to further easing of lockdown restrictions means ‘work from home’ guidance continues

Today the government has formally confirmed the information, leaked in part to the media over the weekend, that it is potentially postponing full easing of lockdown restrictions in England by  a period of 4 weeks. Subject to a review in 2 weeks’ time, this means that it is likely there will be no change to […]

Delay to further easing of lockdown restrictions means ‘work from home’ guidance continues Read More »

Government announces further lockdown easing from 4 July 2020

In welcome news to many employers in the hospitality and leisure sectors the Government has today announced that many businesses, including restaurants, pubs, hotels, cinemas, theme parks and hairdressers will be able to reopen from 4 July 2020, provided they are COVID-secure in accordance with Government guidance, which is to be published shortly. Unfortunately, for

Government announces further lockdown easing from 4 July 2020 Read More »