
Brexit: Trade deal implications for UK Employment Law

The most immediate impact for employers of the expiry of the Brexit transition period is the end of freedom of movement which has significant implications for maintenance of an international workforce, business travel, international secondments and transnational recruitment between the UK and the EU.   Our previous Be Aware on the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement […]

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End of the Brexit transition period and the UK/EU Trade Agreement

At 11 pm on 31 December, the Brexit transition period will finish and this will mark the end of freedom of movement between the United Kingdom and European Union. For EU nationals already resident in the UK, they can continue to live and work in the UK; however they must make an application under the

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UK government releases immigration Statement of Changes

With only a matter of weeks to go until the Brexit transition period comes to an end, the UK government has now released its Statement of Changes to the UK Immigration Rules. The update formalises the previous government proposals set out in its July 2020 policy paper. The statement is the most voluminous Statement of

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UK immigration update: New guidance – key takeaways for employers

On 13 July 2020, the UK government provided further guidance on what the new immigration system would look like from 2021 onwards for those individuals who are not eligible for EU Settled Status. The 130 page document briefly sets out various proposed changes and re-branding to existing immigration categories, as well as information on the

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Government publishes new immigration regime proposals

On Wednesday 19 February 2020, the UK government  published a policy paper setting out its plan for the new UK immigration system for skilled migration. For those who sponsor individuals, key points are: As expected, the government will scrap the resident labour market test (RLMT) and the current cap on skilled worker visas. It will

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The final countdown: Navigating the EU Settlement Scheme

21 January marks 10 days until Brexit. On 9 January, the Withdrawal Agreement finally passed through Parliament, without much fanfare, by 330 votes to 231 and now Brexit has been fixed for 31 January 2020. The enactment of the Withdrawal Agreement provides a fixed timeline for EU nationals and their family members to apply for

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Brexit: Deal or no deal? Is the future of the settled status scheme hanging in the balance?

Each day now presents new developments in the Brexit negotiations – and in an update to our article of 20 November 2018, the critical EU Summit has now taken place and the leaders of the EU27 Member States have now agreed the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the future relationship.   This

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Draft withdrawal agreement is agreed (for now) – but what next for citizens’ rights?

On 14 November 2018, after many months of negotiations, the UK Government and the EU Commission finally announced that a draft withdrawal agreement (WA) on the legal terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU has been agreed, and at the same time they issued a ‘Political declaration setting out the framework for the future

Draft withdrawal agreement is agreed (for now) – but what next for citizens’ rights? Read More »

Government publishes details of administrative processes for EU nationals

The Government has today published further information on the new administrative processes which will apply to EU nationals in the UK who wish to apply for settled or temporary status post-Brexit. In brief: The future status and rights of EU nationals will be defined in the Withdrawal Agreement (WA).  The WA will be incorporated into

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Brexit: Latest developments on the future of EU nationals working in the UK

Employers who are monitoring the latest Brexit negotiations on the future status of EU nationals working in the UK may welcome the reassurance delivered by the Prime Minister in Florence recently that it remains one of her ‘first goals…. to ensure that [EU citizens] can carry on living…as before’, and that ‘the guarantee on….rights is

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Brexit: Update on future rights of EU citizens in the UK

In an update to our Be Aware article of 12 July 2017, Government publishes proposals for EU nationals, the UK and the EU have just concluded the latest round of their Brexit negotiations which will be of interest to employers who are monitoring developments as part of a communications strategy for keeping EU nationals in

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Government publishes proposals for EU nationals

After many months of speculation about the Government’s proposals for European nationals[1] currently living and working in the UK, the Government has now published its Policy Paper setting out its plans.  This is welcome news to employers employing European nationals in their workforce. Whilst the terms of the Policy Paper are still, of course, subject

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Brexit: Impact on European nationals in your workforce

The rights of European nationals[1] currently living and working in the UK has been one of the most high profile aspects of the Brexit process, and it remains a hot topic. The consistent message from UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, has been that securing the status of, and giving certainty to, European nationals already in

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