The Government has today published further information on the new administrative processes which will apply to EU nationals in the UK who wish to apply for settled or temporary status post-Brexit. In brief:
- The future status and rights of EU nationals will be defined in the Withdrawal Agreement (WA). The WA will be incorporated into UK law, enabling EU citizens to enforce those rights.
- A new application system is being designed from scratch. Applications will be for either (1) settled status – 5 years’ continuous lawful residence as a worker, self-employed person, student, self-sufficient person of family member thereof; or (2) temporary status – lawful residence before a specified cut-off date, with settled status available after 5 years’ residence.
- The application process will be streamlined, user-friendly and digital, utilising existing government data to minimise the documentary evidence an individual is required to supply. Proof of comprehensive sickness insurance will no longer be required for those who are studying or economically inactive. It will also no longer be necessary to account for every trip taken in and out of the UK.
- The cost of the application will not exceed the cost of a British passport.
- EU nationals who already have a Permanent Residence certificate will be subject to a simplified process with a reduced fee.
- EU nationals will be given sufficient time to make their application post-Brexit – estimated to be 2 years. The Government is also planning to set up a voluntary process which can be used pre-Brexit for individuals who want to establish their new status as early as possible.
- There will be an administrative review system to resolve any challenges to status decisions and, after that, recourse to the courts as now.
Full details can be found on the Government website, Status of EU citizens in the UK: What you need to know.